Important steps are now being made to complete the elementary renovations and additions on time and on budget. Read all about it.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Valley Breeze article clip
Congratulations to the American Heart Association postcard contest winners for Smithfield 2020!
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Post card contest winners
Great food, great fun, and great people at the wellness celebration tonight! Thank you to our food service provider, Chartwells, for the delicious and nutritious foods!
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Students trying Sassy Beans
School Committee Members
Recess Rocks banners
Smithfield's February district newsletter is now available on our website as well as through this link:
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Kindergarten registration opens on February 6th! Please see our website for more details.
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Tree with letters
Smithfield students design community change! Principal Kelley presents the high school's plan at the XQ+RI celebration today. #XQRI
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Principal Kelley presenting the mission statement
Principal Kelley, the mascot, and Kristine Straus
If you see establishments selling flavored vaping products to minors or to anyone in general, call the complaint line at 401-462-3441 to report the incidents.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Five Smithfield Public Schools administrators are spending their Saturday taking a FEMA (emergency management) course at the police department's training room.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
SPS administrators attending FEMA course
Our "Cyber Sentinels" team competing in the semifinals for CyberPatriot XXII Silver Tier Division. Go Sentinels!
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Cyber Sentinels team in font of computers
The FY21 budget process is underway. Keep abreast of how this budget evolves by going to our finance webpage ( For the slides from the first budget workshop, see this link:
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
We are ready to go to RIDE for approval and then out to bid for construction services for elementary school renovations and additions. This link provides detailed drawings and information about what will be in the base bid and what will be in bid alternates.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
picture of gymnasium at McCabe
Join us on January 29th for a Family Wellness Celebration! Stop in to the SHS cafeteria anytime from 5:30-7:30 PM to sample nutritious foods, take part in activities, and celebrate our student postcard winners!
over 4 years ago, Sara Monaco
Wellness Flyer  January 29th 5:30-7:30 PM at Smithfield High School
We have parents and community members who are essential for getting us to where we need to be. Support the music boosters to help us renovate the high school auditorium. Read all about it:
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
The District Improvement Team met last week & updated our progress percentages on our district strategic dashboard, which is available on a link on our website. Look through our indicators & strategies to understand what we're doing and where we need to go.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Listening to Michael Horn, author of Choosing College, and excited to learn more about how to support our students as they make the decision about steps they plan to take after graduating high school. This is a great book for parents of SHS students!
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Choosing College book cover
photo of Michael Horn
New Blog Post: Why Curriculum Matters:
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Parents and educators of Winsor and McCabe students gathered last night at the first unification meeting. What a awesome (and large) group of caring individuals! Our mission is to build a cohesive school culture that unites the students and staff of McCabe ES and Winsor ES through events, communication, and other means. Meeting minutes will be distributed by PTOs, principals, and by posting on the building project webpage.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
unification committee members
Congratulations! Liliana Zapata and Eva Chaput have been awarded silver keys for artwork submitted to the Scholastic Art Competition. There is an opening reception and ceremony for the public on Sunday, January 19th at The Chazen Family Gallery at RIC's Alex and Ani Hall at 2:00pm. This show will remain on display through February 2nd. The house painting is titled "Home" and is by Eva Chaput, and the screaming face, titled "Bitter Frustrations" is by Liliana Zapata.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci
Artwork of a house
Artwork - face
Smithfield Special Education Parent Advisory Committee, parents and teachers working together to plan community events.
over 4 years ago, Eileen Crudele
Parent Advisory
12 RI and Mass high schools, including SMITHFIELD HIGH SCHOOL, were awarded an Office of Naval Research STEM Resources and Professional Development grant worth over $10,000. STEM and special educator teachers are attending this Thursday's workshop on Jan. 9th at The East Bay Educational Collaborative.
over 4 years ago, Judith Paolucci