Return to School Report #14-September 18, 2020
September 18, 2020
Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,
This 14th edition of the weekly Return to School report is the first following the start of the school year. Here, we include information about the morning drop off process, dedicated testing for K-12 staff and students, and the virtual option rollout. Additional information about the virtual option programming specific to your child’s school are being disseminated by principals.
Morning Drop-Off
Morning drop-off procedures improved each day this week. In addition to having more parents drive their children to school and taking temperatures and collecting tickets, we discontinued our practice of allowing students to be dropped off up to 25 minutes prior to the start of the school day. In years past, students at LaPerche, for example, were able to play in the playground beginning at 8:20am. Because we cannot mix pods of students nor do we have the staff to supervise students in classrooms prior to the start of the teachers’ day, we now start the drop off process only 5 minutes before the official start time: 8:45am.
Bus ridership was also lower than expected due to parents dropping off their children on the first couple of school days. We encourage parents who live outside of the walk zone and are scheduled for bus pickup to utilize this service to alleviate the long car lines in the morning. Last, for those that continue to drive their children to school, remember that the school is a no-idle zone. If you arrive early, please turn off the ignition so that fumes don’t fill the classrooms. Vents and windows are open to allow for air exchange.
Dedicated Testing Sites for RI Schools
Rhode Island has dedicated testing for all public and nonpublic PreK-12 schools. This website gives an overview of when to get a test, what happens on the day of the test, and the locations of the K-12 testing sites: Fidelity, right here in Smithfield, hosts one of these dedicated sites.
To schedule a test, parents or staff can call: (844) 857 - 1814 - 7 Days a Week: 7:30 AM - 9:30 PM. This service line is only for K-12 staff and students who have symptoms, have been identified as a close contact of a positive case, or are a classmate of a positive case.
A handbook from the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) provides a clear direction to individuals regarding testing, quarantine, and return to school. A summary, provided as a Q&A, is below:
When is a COVID-19 test required?
A test is required for anyone having one or more of the following symptoms that cannot be explained by other factors, such as allergies:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
New loss of taste
New loss of smell
Or for 2 or more of the following symptoms that cannot be explained by other factors, such as allergies:
Fever (temperature > 100.4°)
Muscle or body aches
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting
What happens if a test is positive or negative?
If the PCR (non-rapid) test result is negative, the person can return to school when they have been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and symptoms have improved (back to usual health). If the test result is positive, the person must isolate and can return to school when CDC/RIDOH symptom- based criteria for ending isolation have been met. The test-based strategy for ending isolation is not recommended. After a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a positive test, additional tests are not necessary or recommended and are strongly discouraged.
What are schools required to do when a student or staff member presents with symptoms indicating a probable case?
When a student or staff member at school presents with a symptom or set of symptoms meeting the CDC definition of a probable case of COVID-19, the school must report the probable case via the Probable Reporting Portal, which will help RIDOH facilitate COVID-19 testing. Once a positive case is verified, the RIDOH initiates a case investigation process.
Will parents be notified about positive cases?
Once a positive case is confirmed, RIDOH will contact the school and superintendent on the identity of the case and the close contacts, what those individuals need to do before returning to school, and communications to push out to the full school community. One is for use with all students, staff, and families in the school. The second set is for use with students who are in the same learning pod as the positive case. Students who are in the same learning pod will be offered the opportunity to be tested even if they are not identified as close contacts.
Virtual Option Rollout
The VO registration, which began on August 12th - over a month ago - included this description:
The virtual option will be employed while the district is in full or partial return. This option is not identical to Smithfield's Distance Learning (DL) program. In DL, Smithfield will employ a synchronous teaching program where students have live lessons at specific times of the day. In VO, Smithfield will employ an asynchronous teaching program where students collect lesson materials (the topic, materials, and assignments) on Google Classroom and work independently, handing in assignments as requested. Teachers will check in with their VO students virtually at least once per week. If a VO student is assigned to an intervention service or has an IEP, they will have specific times to meet virtually with an interventionist, special educator, or service provider.
Remember that while some students are learning from home, teachers have a full schedule of classes during the day. Emails sent to teachers from VO students or their parents will be answered within 3 days.
Since that time, we have been working with our teachers' union to develop MOAs about filming lessons so that expectations and safeguards are in place for our teachers. We are also working on innovative practices and tools to enable teachers to address their VO students efficiently and effectively. Strategies will be rolled out throughout the year.
We wish we could have pulled aside teachers to exclusively teach VO students but having 4 elementary schools made this a challenge. Students in the VO weren't distributed throughout the town in a way that would enable us to pull a teacher from a school without leaving behind too many in-person students for the teachers left behind or having to transport students from one part of town to another to balance classes - something that was prohibitive, given the restrictions on busing.
We were waiting upon the state’s decision on our state aid amount to reassess our budget and make additional hirings to support VO students. We recently learned that it may not be until after Thanksgiving that legislators approve a state budget. Clearly, these important hirings cannot wait another 2 months. I will be using some CRF funding and funds from the local budget, with School Committee approval, to begin hiring temporary staff who can work with teachers to help provide live, virtual lessons to our VO students. We will start with our youngest students then will develop and employ a variety of approaches for older students before considering additional staff. Thus, the programming will evolve over time. Our district and school administrators are committed to spending time in schools and monitoring virtual learning to support our teachers as they attempt to do something that has never been done before.
School Meals
Remember that both breakfast and lunch are free to ALL students at this time. Meals for distance learning or virtual option students or for students not in school can be picked up at: Smithfield High School Door #2 11 am -12 pm Monday-Friday. Weekend meals will be distributed on Friday. Students who will be in a hybrid model may pick up a meal as they leave school if they will be at home the next day
Last week, Smithfield had 11 new cases of COVID-19. This corresponds to a daily rate of 1.6 new cases per ~22,000 residents, or 7.2 per 100,000. The governor’s original cutoff was 100 new cases per 100,000 residents. This week, we learned that the Village at Waterman Lake had a surge of new cases so I expect this number to rise before I report to you again. In our schools, we have small numbers of students who have been tested and had negative tests and others who are awaiting results. We appreciate the responsibility our families have demonstrated to screen students and keep children who are not feeling well at home. If a case directly affects our schools, causing some to have to quarantine, all members of our school community will be notified.
Judy Paolucci, Superintendent
Return to School Report #13-September 11, 2020
Dear Smithfield Staff and Families,
Each week prior to the start of school, we provided a Return to School Committee Report. This 13th edition of the weekly report includes information about athletics, clarifications from the state, health insurance/permission to test forms, extended free meal service, and technology password support. Information about the virtual option programming and specific practices for your child’s school are being disseminated by principals. At the district level, we will continue to report on the opening of school each week as we move forward with the 2020-2021 school year.
At the end of last week, the RI Interscholastic League (RIIL) announced its plan for school sports in accordance with state guidelines. The following high school sports have been approved for team competition this fall with safety modifications: Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Sideline Cheer, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer and Field Hockey. Football, Girls Volleyball and Unified Volleyball have not been approved for team competition this fall. Consequently, the RIIL will be adopting a four-season model and those three sports not approved to start in September will be moved to Season 3, which will be held between the winter and spring seasons at a start date to be determined.
Additionally, the Rhode Island Principals’ Committee on Athletics (RIPCOA) has voted to move the start date of fall sports to Monday, September 21. The summer coaches contact period has been extended to Sunday, September 13. Coaches must still obtain school approval and follow all current guidelines and restrictions.
RIPCOA has been working in conjunction with the RIIL to plan and prepare for a return to middle school sports, when it is safe and appropriate within a middle school environment. At this time, RIPCOA has made the decision to postpone the middle school athletics fall season.
Clarification Regarding October 13th
When questions arise about state guidance, we are able to reach out to a RIDE representative to have questions answered. Many families had questions about the governor’s order that all students be taught in person by October 13. We wondered if our secondary (grades 7-12) program could still be run as a hybrid program. Here’s the answer….
Yes, secondary can continue hybrid. If a district cannot bring all students back in-person every day, they can select to bring their middle and high school students back in a rotating, hybrid schedule so that all of their students return back in-person, just not every day. On the days that students are not in-person, they will be participating in distance learning. Students in elementary school must be prioritized to be back in-person every day in the full in-person and partial in-person scenarios.
Health Insurance Collection and Permission to Test
The State will be coordinating testing for all symptomatic public-school students and staff along with the close contacts and classmates of any student or staff who tests positive for COVID-19. To assist the State in doing this work, districts are expected to collect authorization/consent forms to test students, in accordance with RIDOH public health protocols, from all parents/guardians. Schools are also being asked to collect health insurance information from students to facilitate 3rd party payment for testing. Students/staff will not be charged any co-payments/deductibles for testing per state and federal guidance.
Although we have been told to keep this information centrally so it can be provided to RIDOH quickly as part of testing activities, the actual form collects information and sends the information directly to the RIDOH.
Over time, the state expects that some school nurses or other trained school staff may start obtaining specimens (swabs) for COVID-19 testing or supervise the self-collection of specimens of students and staff, as needed. AT THIS TIME, HOWEVER, NO TESTING WILL BE DONE IN OUR SCHOOLS.
Parents and guardians are asked to complete this form ( prior to 9/25/2020.
School Meals
The district just received notification that it is able to offer free meals (breakfast and lunch) for all in-school and virtual option students, regardless of eligibility status. This program is available through December 31st or until USDA funds are depleted. Due to the limited time we anticipate funding may be available, it is important that families continue to submit updated free/reduced meal applications. Confidential applications are accepted throughout the school year, and if approved, benefits are effective through the 20-21 school year and a few days into the next school year. Printable applications and instructions for applying can be found by visiting We are also excited to announce a new online service for entering meal applications. This service will be available starting on 9/29/20, at which time a link will be available on our website. Please note we are only able to provide free meals to children 18 and under and will only be provided as a complete meal per program guidelines. All extra items, including milk to accompany a lunch brought from home or ala carte, are not included in this program. We encourage families to put money in their secondary student’s account in order to purchase extra items. For safety reasons we discourage the use of cash.
Meals for distance learning or virtual option students or for students not in school can be picked up at: Smithfield High School Door #2 11 am -12 pm Monday-Friday
Weekend meals will be distributed on Friday. Students who will be in a hybrid model may pick up a meal as they leave school if they will be at home the next day
Technology Password Support
Are you having Google password trouble? Access our Password Prep Hours for week 1 of school.
Sunday- Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. - 9.p.m
Monday- Sept. 14 at 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
During these hours, call our Technology line at 401-231-6606, then press 5 and press 1 for assistance with password resets. It's been a long summer and we know you may have issues logging in. Call with your device handy and we can reset your Google password live during these hours.
Last week, Smithfield had 5 new cases of COVID-19. This corresponds to a daily rate of 0.7 new case per ~22,000 residents, or 3.3 per 100,000. The governor’s cutoff is 100 new cases per 100,000 residents. I will continue to monitor this number throughout the beginning months of the school year. This data is available at:
We are ready to welcome our students back to school!
Judy Paolucci, Superintendent and Members of the Return to School Committee