Testing weather vanes

Hello OCRS families,

We had some really nice weather this past week, so hopefully it means that Spring isn't too far around the corner. While we still had snow covering most of the play areas, we were able to have classes take turns going outside utilizing the little bit of black top space that was available. We know that the students really need to get outside whenever they can, so we will continue to be creative to make that happen.

"Back to School" Report from Dr. Paolucci

If you have not already read the latest "Back to School" report shared by Dr. Paolucci, please take a few moments to review it at https://www.smithfield-ps.org/article/409611. As usual, there is quite a bit of important information for all Smithfield families.

End of Daily Health Tickets

Starting on Monday, March 1st, Smithfield parents will no longer need to fill out health screening tickets for their child attending school in-person. Instead, by sending a child to school, parents will be implicitly implying that their child is not exhibiting COVID-related symptoms. We believe that daily health screening has become a routine habit for families and tickets are now unnecessary. Please continue to be vigilant and mindful about keeping students home if they are demonstrating any of the following symptoms that cannot be explained by a chronic condition:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Stuffy nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Shortness of breath

2021-2022 School Calendar

The School Committee approved a school calendar for 2021-2022 that gives us a later start than we would normally have. Due to the state calendar, the dates for Jewish holidays, and the school construction project, these changes were necessary. The calendar is available on the district website at http://bit.ly/3pXxbEr.

Regular Student BinaxNOW COVID Testing

Like all six Smithfield schools, OCRS will be continuing with regular student BinaxNOW COVID testing during the school day approximately every two weeks. The next testing day at OCRS is Monday, March 1st. The testing process at OCRS has gone very smoothly and we thank families for your cooperation and support.

If families have already returned the signed BinaxNOW testing consent form, there isn't any additional paperwork for your child to be continued to be tested at school. If a family did not return the signed consent form and you would like your child to participate, please find a parental consent form available for download at https://5il.co/of5n. If you need a paper copy, please email Mrs. Deus at school and she will make sure that one is sent home with your child.

Monday, 3/15 is a Flex Day; No In-Person Learning

As part of the R.I. Department of Education calendar that districts were asked to adopt for this school year, a number of "Flex Days" were included to allow teachers and staff to engage in regular planning to prepare for teaching students in-person as well as virtually. A Smithfield Flex Day is scheduled for Monday, March 15th. Here is what a Flex Day means for students:

  • In-person students will not report to school on Flex Days. All students will be home on Flex Days.
  • There will be no live instruction on a Flex Day for in-person learning students. Virtual learning students will still meet and work with their virtual tutor.
  • All students, in-person and virtual, will have an English Language Arts and Math activity to work on during each Flex Day. In-person students will NOT be bringing home their school Chromebooks ahead of Flex Days. The activities will not require the use of a Chromebook.

You should receive information about the Flex Day ELA and Math activities from each of your children's teachers.

Reminder, the Virtual Book Fair is OPEN!

Just a reminder that the Scholastic Virtual Book Fair is open through Sunday, March 7th. Our customized OCRS homepage features:

  • A fully online Virtual Fair so you and your kids can experience the magic of the school shopping experience. Browse over 200 titles by grade, meet popular authors, and experience the comfort and joy of our online Book Fair.
  • Direct access to over 6,000 additional titles with family-friendly prices, at the Scholastic online store.
  • Every dollar you spend will benefit our school directly (25% back in rewards!)

Please visit https://www.scholastic.com/bf/oldcountyroadschool to browse the Virtual Book Fair with your child!

PTA Silver Graphics Fundraiser

The OCRS PTA will be offering an unique fundraiser from SilverGraphics that will feature the artwork of our OCRS students on a variety of products that can be safely ordered online and delivered right to families! Ms. Moretti worked with students in all grades during last week's art class to help them create colorful art that will be used for the fundraiser. If your child is at home learning virtually OR they were absent this past week when their class had Art, they can still make artwork to be included in this fundraiser. Here's how:

  1. Students can create artwork at home following the suggestions and guidelines on the SilverGraphics website at https://www.silvergraphics.com/guidelines-for-uploading-art/. There are some links to terrific examples of the kinds of artwork that work well.
  2. Once your child has created artwork, you can either scan it or take a photo of it. You can again follow the instructions and tips at the SilverGraphics website linked above.
  3. WAIT TO RECEIVE AN ACCESS CODE FOR OCRS! Once we send you the unique access code, you will be able to upload your child's artwork directly to the SilverGraphics website. We anticipate that we will have the access code and will be able to send it out some time next week.

More information about ordering will be sent out to all families when the OCRS specific online shop is ready to go.

Poison Prevention Training

The MA and RI Regional Center for Poison Control and Prevention and Boston Children's Hospital is hosting an online Poison Prevention training for families on Wednesday, March 10th at 6:00 p.m. The training is focused on families that have children at home who are 6 years old and younger. The meeting is being held via Zoom and families can join using the information below:

Join from your computer or mobile device: https://bostonchildrens.zoom.us/j/92921109622?pwd=SlJNYWJUR0hOeHhXK3B5RVkzODBhdz09
Password: 674580

Or dial in from your telephone:
646-558-8656 (Primary)
408-638-0968 (If you are unable to dial into the primary number)

5th Grade D.A.R.E. Program Starting in March

In partnership with the Smithfield Police Department, we are very happy to announce that the 5th grade D.A.R.E. program will be starting across all four elementary schools in March. Officer Ryan came and visited OCRS right before February Break to let both the 5th grade teachers and students know about the start of the program. While he is in the school building and working with our students, Officer Ryan will be following the same COVID health and safety protocols that all Smithfield teachers and staff have been following.

Upcoming Dates and Events

OCRS Online Book Fair, February 22nd through March 7th
Student BinaxNOW COVID Testing at School, Monday March 1st
Daylight Savings Begins, Sunday March 14th
Flex Day (NO IN-PERSON LEARNING), Monday March 15th
Student BinaxNOW COVID Testing at School, Tuesday March 16th


Ongoing thanks to OCRS families for your Patience, Flexibility, and Empathy. Those three words are guiding us throughout this school year and we will all need to continue to make adjustments as the year progresses . As long as we approach those adjustments with the best interests of our students as our priority, I am confident that this will continue to be a safe and successful year.

Mr. Barrette

1st grade exploring the obstacle course in P.E.

Ms. Aceto suddenly aged on the 100th day of school